Friday, September 9, 2011

FeatureMeDental – The Story behind the Masks

Welcome FeatureMeDental- the newest part of A Dental Perspective!!!

What is FeatureMeDental?
We all go to our dentist (hopefully at least twice a year) but we often don’t know the personal and wonderful stories and lives behind the masks – the life, the struggle, the satisfaction, the sacrifices, the amazing timing, and the lessons to be learned from those in the dental profession and their successes.
I would love to start ANOTHER dental website but monitoring two websites already takes A LOT of TIME (and my husband would probably go crazy from not seeing me because I”m working on websites all the time). So if you can add time to the clock or until I can save a little more to start ANOTHER site, FeatureMeDental is going to feature dental professionals, interviews, and their stories. Currently I am in the SF bay area but this will feature dental professionals and interviews from all over!!! It is the HISTORY behind the dental professionals and their stories I’m sharing with you!!!

Why FeatureMeDental?
I keep hearing on the news and on the radio about how small businesses will keep our economy from even further crisis. How? By creating jobs, creating employment, helping our local economy thrive by creating products and services that everyone needs! I am in the health field and not many people think of dentistry as a small business – but it IS! Eventually I would love to be a small business owner myself and want to learn all I can from others who have gone before me and actually DONE it before I throw my hand into the fray! And, I love to write and share other people’s stories…and other people’s lives.

So without further adieu – I present – FeatureMeDental. Can’t wait to share my interviews with you and get started!!!

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