Yesterday I had the pleasure of going to two weddings - one for one of the office dental assistants who married her childhood sweetheart and the other for a previous friend/ co-resident from my general practice residency. Today I had the pleasure of seeing two friends from college - and we spent the day together, chatting as if the 10-12 years ago was just yesterday, and all the life in between didn't happen. But it did - we are different people, and all our life experiences have happened - but we are still, in our core, the same.
Today being 9.11.11, reflecting on what happened a decade ago with the twin towers in beloved NYC and the Pentagon, and all the lives tragically lost, it makes me realize more and more that our lives are a blink of an eye. It was truly an honor to be included in another person's significant life event (like a wedding or a child's birth). I've known a few of the people from the wedding from over 8 years and my co-residents for almost 5 years. Over that time period so many things have changed - people have gotten engaged or married, some have had children, I met my husband and got engaged/now married, houses have been purchased, jobs have is truly going by - faster and faster.
It also placed it in perspective that no matter what I decide to do professionally in my dental career future that I need to appreciate the NOW and be thankful that I am blessed to have my husband, my family, my friends - even while we hope and pray for the best in the future.
Life continues...and I call it good.
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